Inspiration Poetry Word of The Year

Poetry: VALUE

January 21, 2017

“Value” by Erika Lynne Jones

On Thursday’s Sister-Friend Chat, I shared my third and final Word of the Year. Yes, I changed my mind a couple of times. But because I was able to write this poem fairly quickly after choosing it, I know I got the right word for myself this year. Regardless of what you Word is this year I hope you are able to find some bits of reflection here.


What does a woman who values her work do with it?

Does she hide it so others can’t see it?
Or does she deliberately seek opportunities to put it out into the world?

Does she give it all away for free?
Or does she put a price tag on it so others can invest in her gifts and talents?

What does a woman who values her body do?

Does she ignore its needs for water food, activity and rest?
Or does she listen to its every reasonable request?

Does she shame it for not looking like the bodies on TV?
Or does she whisper words of loving encouragement every time she sees it in the mirror?

What does a woman who values her living space do?

Does she leave it in disarray allowing clutter to accumulate?
Or does she cast out anything that would threaten her peace and harmony?

Does she allow her space to be plain boring and uninspiring?
Or does she command it to reflect the beauty and greatness that is her life?

What does a woman who values her time do?

Does she say yes to every single request made of her?
Or does she say, “I really must contemplate my obligations first.” even if those obligations are only to herself?

Does she haplessly wander through screens, shops and scandalous speculations?
Or does she purposefully play in a way that enriches her life and the lives of others? 

What does a woman who values her appearance do?

Does she buy all the latest and greatest trends blessed by the fashion gods?
Or does she wear only what suits her body and exquisitely unique personality?

Does she abandon her grooming for some other “worthy” cause?
Or does she realize that self care impacts her feelings and her feelings matter BIG TIME?

What does a woman who values her voice do?

Does she run from opportunities to express herself at any and all costs?
Or does she vote when it counts, speak up when it matters to all who are meant to hear her?

Does she silently watch hers and others rights be violated?
Or does she speak her personal truth in ways that penetrate the souls of her wrong doers?

What does a woman who values herself do?

Does she live according to the rules and laws of others?
Or does she make her own rules and laws to ensure that they serve her?

Does she give herself to anyone requesting a piece of her
Or does she preserve herself for relationships that are sacred, holy and worthy of all that she is.

-Erika Lynne Jones



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