Affirmations Inspiration Lettering

The Role of Grief in a Racial Pandemic

June 8, 2020

This post was originally posted on social media on June 4. In response to the tragic and traumatic events of the week preceeding.

This is a bit of a wellness post. We are all in grief and at different stages, and no we are not all grieving the same things. Some are grieving George Floyd’s death, some are grieving and feeling the 400 years of trauma endured by their ancestors, some are grieving that they are just understanding the depths of injustices to their black friends, while some are grieving property they don’t own being destroyed on TV. My prayer is that everyone would ultimately arrive at a place of acceptance because denial and every other phase is not the place to get stuck. When we move into acceptance that we need to create an anti-racist society we can rock this world with change. I have seen my art friends speaking up and I love it. I have seen some of my Facebook and offline friends speaking up and reaching out and I love that. Know that I have a LOT to say and emotionally I feel like a fire hydrant. I have a righteous anger burning. I want to point out all the double standards, all of the injustices and refute all the lies that have been told throughout the history of this country. I want to comment on every ignorant post and racist comment in my friends’ feeds. But I have realized I will burn out and be ineffective in the areas where I can have the greatest impact on change. So take care of yourselves, research and decide for yourself the areas where you can advocate for an anti-racist society and be most impactful and work them consistently and diligently. Because the fight for a nation of true freedom and equality will not be a sprint, but a marathon. Godspeed my good people!

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