Word of The Year

My 2020 Word of the Year Is…

January 17, 2020
Word of the Year Sheet on the ipad

SECURITY, MOVE, VALUE, DELIGHT, FREEDOM! These are the words I have chosen to invite into my life over the past few years and they each have all become like close friends to me. Each year I choose a new word to invite into this close circle of “word friends”. It must vibe or build off the words already in the circle. It has to fit yet it has to bring expansion.  In 2020 I am inviting VOICE! 

If you’re wondering what in the world I’m talking about, it’s my WORD of the Year. About five years ago I got wind of this practice that is steadily growing in popularity. And I welcomed this refreshing alternative to making New Year’s resolutions.

I learned from other practitioners that a word could be an invitation of many good things into your life. It can also be a filter for making decisions and choosing your goals. And right away i figured out if you choose the right word, it can still coexist with the universal goals to eat healthier, lose weight and make more money. However, choosing a word often provides some much deeper opportunities to grow and expand in your personhood journey.

Please don’t let “deep” scare you; I’ve never had a word leave me hanging. It’s actually fun and even more so when you have real life friends who have also picked a word and want to chat about it. Three years ago I invited some friends to do it and a few friends followed me blindly and chose their own words. We had such rich conversations and deepened our bond as friends. They are the ones who encouraged me to share my perspective on the Word of the Year and that has formulated into this New Project.

Starting today, I’m offering illustrated Monthly Worksheet Bundles throughout 2020 to help you stay connected to your word all year long. Like a resolution, a word can be forgotten about without some accountability and intentional time spent in reflection. These worksheets are just that, a gentle, artful and fun reminder to stay connected to your word each month. 

If you’re game then hop over to my new, just for you, shopping cart and give it a try for less than a latte each month. If you want to have the MY WORD OF THE YEAR worksheet to fill in your own word for FREE then sign up for my newsletter. I will also send you a link to a recording of a webinar I did a couple of years ago called “How to Choose a Word of The Year”. And stay tuned in, because this week I’ll share more about my past words and how I hope to grow with the word VOICE in 2020. Also I’ll be announcing a little GIVEAWAY related to this project.

This is the January/Intention Bundle you will get when you sign up for the 2020 WORD OF THE YEAR WORKSHEET PROJECT.

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