Creativity Illustrations

Discovering Yourself Through Art

April 13, 2017

In my last post I mentioned I was taking an online course on Skillshare called Drawing as Self Discovery: 5 Ways to Start. Here are a couple of more pieces from the class and a couple of my discoveries.


"My Brain When I Get Free Time" by Erika Lynne Jones

“My Brain When I Get Free Time” by Erika Lynne Jones

“My Brain on Free Time” was inspired by a regular conundrum I faced. Whenever I’d get “free time”, which is rare as a homeschooling mom of three, I would spend half of the time debating with myself about what I should do or what I felt like doing. Even once I chose, I might not be totally settled in it because I felt so divided. This is what you call self-induced stress folks. Seeing this visually helped me realize that I needed to do something rather conventional: Create a Master Schedule for myself! I know what a genius idea (that billions of others have implemented). I actually resisted the idea for a long time because I didn’t want to feel restricted or told what to do. Well I realized if I can’t be told what to do by my own self, than I’m going to continue to struggle. I’ll create a blog post in more detail about my schedule creation process later, but the key thing I did was find space in my schedule for ALL (except napping – still working on that one) of the things in the photo along with my other responsibilities.  In other words I gave myself permission to do “frivolous” things like doodling or watching television without guilt. Having a set time to do the things that relax and or bring me joy helps me feel more relaxed and in the present moment no matter what I’m doing. I love it!

"Erika's Pie Chart of Resilience" by Erika Lynne Jones

“Erika’s Pie Chart of Resilience” by Erika Lynne Jones

The first assignment, the Pie Chart of Resilience, was a but tough for me at first. I got really specific about things in my life that didn’t kill me, but made me stronger. It was so specific it felt heavy and dark, opposed to comedic which is what the assignment entailed. On my second attempt I still didn’t work in the comedy, but I did manage to create some symmetry and make it a more relatable piece of artwork. It’s kind of art and poetry combined to me. I hope you enjoy it.

I enjoy creating this type of work, but I have to tell you I’m a bit self-conscious about my handwriting. So I stall in completing and sharing these pieces. I know the key is to keep practicing and at the same time care less about perfection and potential criticism. Quitting surely wont make it improve. Well I hope these pieces bring you joy. Feel free to check out this or any other Skillshare class using my referral link. I don’t cash, but I get free classes.


Erika Lynne Jones


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